Tuesday 27 September 2016

Ignite presentation learner response

Ignite presentation learner response

Police brutality in popular culture

  • Clear opening + use of technology grabs attention (good use of GIF)
  • Confident, authoritative delivery although perhaps needed a tiny bit more rehearsal (a little bit rushed)
  • Touches on many interesting aspects - covers many concepts but perhaps it could be a case of 'less is more'... the points on representation are fascinating and surely deserving of more than 30 seconds!
  • Excellent media analysis with confident use of media terminology
  • Similarly, good summary of theories which are appropriate and fit the issues addressed
  • Powerful ending that has an impact on the audience and also draws attention to the consequences of these issues that can get lost in media coverage
  • I'd like to have seen a little more on media effects and how hip hop can contribute to these debates
  • Potentially #BlackLivesMatter campaign could have been included
  • Excellent opening question on stereotypes - and answered confidently in real depth. Answer naturally uses media terminology - great to see
  • Honest, passionate and knowledgeable in Q+A
  • Some superb questions - particularly on the institutional racism of the police against individual officers' ethnicity

Content - 5/5
Clarity - 5/5
Presentation - 4/5

= 14

  • Good application of things like media terminology and theories
  • Discussed how the more 'human' aspects, get lost within these news stories
  • Inclusion of current movement/issues such as the #BlackLivesMatter campaign could take the investigation further
  • Could have discussed one of the academic texts I researched relating to how hip hop has furthered things like the concept of black empowerment and also how it's often used as a tool to speak out issues facing the black community
  • Make sure to focus on particular issues in good detail as oppose to looking at a lot in less


My presentation will lead into my critical investigation in that I have more of an idea of what specifically to look at regarding my topic due to the feedback I received. #BlackLivesMatter will be something good in particular to look at and the impact hip-hop is having on their movement against police brutality. Additionally to make this even better, I'll have to take the time to read books such as M.K. Asante's It's Bigger Than Hip Hop to develop a greater insight and better understanding into the how the music genre is being increasingly used as something of a vehicle for social commentary on issues facing the artists behind it, and not solely for commercial means. Scholarly articles would be of good use too to help me with my investigations, for example Rap: The Cry of a Rebuked People by Willie Howard discussing how the genre has become somewhat of a coping mechanism for the oppression black people go through in the States. Something I want to ensure while looking at this though is that I focus on police brutality, and while I inevitably have to discuss racial discrimination, I have to remember that it's a huge umbrella for police brutality (towards black people in particular) comes under.